So I've been in for a week and sober.Out to Moomia tonight where I can at least get a false hookah induced high.Oh and my blog has lost my personality and become infused with too many party photos.Time to put the pieces of my mind back in.I'm not just a party girl. I'm a student, veterinary assistant && poet(amongst other things).Leading to..come see me at the Nuyorican Poet Cafe next Friday
(June 19th).After the slam poetry they have an open mic. I guess my poetic style is fitting with slam but I'm not ready to be judged.I need a little practice on stage first <3 see you there?

236 East 3rd Street Between Ave B & C
Reverend Pedro Pietri Way
New York City
The Open Room
June 19th Friday Night after the Poetry Slam> approx. 12:30amAdmission>$5 (Free if you stay after the Slam)
The Open Room is a Nuyorican poetic institution that happens right after the Friday Night Poetry Slam. Anyone can read one poem at the mic and every kind of poet and poetry is welcome. There are no judges and no numbers. Hosted by 2007 National Slam Team member, Advocate of Wordz.
I wish there were things like this where I live, When I go to NY I'm going to have to check this place out
How'd it go????!
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