Soooo its been a while eh? I promise I have not given up my study by day party by night habits.Rather I was devoured by my native home of Florida and just recently been spit back on to the shores of New York. Ive met a lot of amazing people and have gone to a lot of great places. I of course forgot my camera or was too late to attend a few things. Like the Sobe Lifewater event I finally got to RSVP for Thanks to my love Kay.Also what I heard was the summers most amazing rooftop party DJ'ed by DJ Arq as well as Woof. There's plenty of nights of forgotten bliss and just as many I'll never forget. I'd say summer '09 was a great testament to the glory of youth. Photographic evidence below :) Deemehlow && Maluca (Santos) Colin Munroe and friends(Santos) I know it doesnt look like it But thats Rosario Dawson dancing with Maluca (Santos) Deemehlow under every fathomable influence on his birfday (Diner near 105 Rivington) Sarita && Jorge (Happy Endings) I look like a boy in this one...eek(Happy Endings) Me Being very drunk At No Hablo Ingles (Fat Baby) Joel Better known as 40oz Van && I (Fat Baby) Moomia on a usual Tuesday nights LoveXLove party The lovely && intellectual Milana Starr Carol,Britt && (eff)Freddy Chuk(an amazing photographer click the link),Britt && co.
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