Friday, May 8, 2009

Wale - Le poisson rouge 5/7/09

Headed out to see Wale at Le Poisson Rouge.As soon as I walked up from the 6 train I spotted an ambulance.Called my friend to make sure he was alive && it went straight to Vmail.Scary stuff but was just a drunk guy who fell and hit his head.Any who.My friend got me in and says "VIP or stage your choice" ummm How could I possibly choose??

Nike Boots
So I ended up Stage left..I didnt want to seem lame and take pictures so I just observed.Went to sit in the tech booth and have a long island while wale was up.I hear the earlier performances were good.Too bad I'm always late.

View from side stage

After that met up with KI && Ony at Plan B for the Hey Girl Hey party.Ran into Melo-x who just returned to the states from his europien tour.Im jealous as Im dying to be reckless in amsterdam.

Got antsy and met up with another friend who brought us to both R Bar and Katra.Nice mellow caps to a boisterous evening.

My signature drink:Ameretto w/a splash of Henny

Until next week ;)

1 comment:

Missie Rich said...

wow, so weird, you know like all the people i know, and you were at my party and i dont know you...but hey nice to meet you on your blog...very random, yep yep i know