Thursday, February 26, 2009

Fat Tuesday && recovery Wednesday

Went to this last night.Unfortunately forgot my camera and brit brit left hers backstage.It was nice.very tiny,like a private mini concert.I got put on to good music and such.Being that generally I'm not into hip hop nothing can really be said for my taste in the genre but I liked it.

judge for yourself and download his music here:Melo-x Mustafas renaissance

After that I met up with an old college friend KI Duble (check him out here KI Duble's music page)

and went on to the uneventful sutra.All in all a peaceful and chill Wednesday after my way too crazy fat Tuesday spent at Down the
Hatch on west 4th.Just know dollar beers,girls and I should just never mix.

1 comment:


Heya! This is my first time on your fantastic blog. I will be back. Stay fabulous. It keeps 'em guessing. Ciao.
~ Secret Diary